Once again, a week has come and gone.
A blur from the starting line ,
the finish line seems still such a hazy mirage in the distance.
Time it seems has indeed been slipping past us faster than it once did... does it not? I believe there are even journals and studies recording changes to quantum time of Earth and the system that time has indeed - or - rather, the planet and the cycles have sped up - if only by a fraction of a fraction within a fraction. I see somewhat regularly on the socials, others complaining or commenting the similar: that, 'golly, time sure goes fast lately.....'
But, then again... I could be wrong.
It is, also a matter of the brain and its chemistry.
I had read a few months (years?) back that as we age, time does indeed ~feel~ like it has begun to increase in speed as our brain chemistry is no longer fixated within the present moment. That specific chemicals the brain produces in our youth are designed to make the days feel longer... time feel eternal , to allow the human being to learn and adapt. Once aged, that is no longer biologically necessary.
In the end, it seems to me, time is nothing but a hallucination of the material world. . . and really, it's probably something we should just forget about.
Finished a few Portals into The Realm of UNTITLED during the week.
Began using two of these rectangular panels to test out settings, color and moods for the new large panel ( 36 x 12 Inch ) recently prepped. I had previously been using this size, (6 x 12 inch / 12 x 6 inch ) for 'The Teleportation' Chapter - which worked absolutely perfect in a vertical format. The figure elongated and de-materializing from one dimension into the next.
The latest on this size / but / horizontal I focused on the narrative of '...Nows', and a nice little surprise popped into the narrative of The Ones Gravity Forgot, perhaps a sort of epicenter of The Realm... or the flash point that unhinges these souls from gravitational bondages... a singularity ~ or an explosion.... or a gate into dimensions unknown?
Im sure I don't know... but I am eager to see if this concept can be explored and integrated within the '...Nows' further. The piece here, " A Succession of Nows, No. 85 " came out rather nicely... but I see so much of where I can make improvements or... take away.
Much of the week had been spent working on digital collage / design projects for the Scottish Music Project: ESSLEMONT.
Over the last several months I have been working on building the branding and visual world for the project - most recently I just finished putting together a CD Package Design and Booklet that is available as a limited run, currently on pre order.
Other pieces currently being worked on has led to the remaining bits of time I had this week in contemplation , long stretches of observation and being left in puzzlement. Some pieces within UNTITLED have become increasingly more complex... by design , of course, as that has been the creed of this Collection from its first inception / execution... to explore the oil medium and challenge myself to go further with the techniques I developed while working on The MUTATIO Collection.
New Chapters within UNTITLED always seem to have a way of being slow going at first...
The fear of something new perhaps... or the fear of being derivative within the over all series.
Fear is often something quite infectious and hard to abandon. No matter its context, nor, how long one works to dissolve such things.
The elements of it are still within.
And often take dominance.
In the new chapter, ' The Garden of Shadows ', I am not really exactly sure what's happening. Or, what's supposed to be ...
I do know its essence, in a way , that is.
Entities, Shadows, or souls or ghosts, or whatever you'd like to call them, wandering and tending to a long since decayed garden... within a realm outside of this one or that one... perhaps, limbo is a good word.
I have been, however, taking it slow with their development. The first piece , I finished last week...
I began two more... they could...
could not become finished works.
We shall see, then, I suppose.
Some need much work. Color tones. Shadows and Highlights.
Some require structure and narration...
while so many still wait to even become conceived.
But , that is the ethos of UNTITLED.
An Sci-Fi, Avant Garder, Experimental slow cooker.
And, so....
as another seven divided blocks of time exhaust past us quicker than the previous... I begin this Sunday with a quiet morning to stare at these Portals into The Untitled.
Until Next week....